Debunking LED Myths

There is a lot of information out there about LED and sometimes its hard to know what the truth is. Here are 5 of the most common LED myths debunked.

Myth #1 : “The more colors a device has the better” FALSE! There is NO credible research to support the therapeutic values of wavelengths other than blue, red, and near infrared.

Myth #2: “The more powerful a device the better it is” FALSE! The amount of energy produced at the surface of an LED device is not relevant. What is relevant is the amount of light energy available for the skin to absorb at its surface. Delivering below 2 joules per centimeter squared is not enough to trigger ATP production, and more than 10 joules per centimeter square risks the triggering of toxic oxidative events.

Myth #3: “Blue light can age the skin” NOT TRUE! The value to blue light is to kill acne causing bacteria. Blue wavelengths only reach into the superficial epidermal layers of the skin, so has no value for cells or conditions that reside in the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. There is no scientific support for this blue light myth.

Myth #4: “A device that sells serums or masks is better than one that doesn’t” FALSE! Your skin is designed to keep things out. There are currently no rigorous clinical studies that prove there is a synergistic effect between LED treatment and serum penetration. It can be possible that the serums sold by light companies can block light penetration by 30% to 100% curtailing the therapeutic benefit of light therapy treatments.

Myth #5: “A device advertising a 5-minute treatment time is better than one that says you need 20 minutes or more.” FALSE! Treatment time matters too! It takes a cell a certain amount of time to absorb enough energy to effect a change at the cellular level. The duration of the LED session should take this fact into account. High quality LED devices call for 20 to 30 minute treatment times to deliver a full therapeutic dose.

***All info was taken and copied from***